Improved surgical procedures in Mahagi

A Begeca and GoShop Energy initiative

The Mahagi health zone, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is faced with a lack of connection to the public electricity grid and soaring fuel prices. These challenges have hampered the operation of hospitals and health centers, preventing them from meeting the health standards prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Health facilities in the region were unable to provide appropriate surgical interventions or access to vital equipment such as oxygen concentrators.

Faced with this critical situation, Bdom Mahagi (Bureau Diocésain des Oeuvres Médicales) requested the intervention of its partner Begeca. In response, GoShop Energy was selected to supply and install eight solar energy systems with battery storage in various health centers. The project was carried out between August and November 2023, covering installations in several healthcare facilities, including. 

  • D'angumu Hospital, 
  • Lybo Hospital,
  •  Center de Santé Sara Sara, 
  • Nyalebe Health Center, 
  • Logo Hospital, 
  • Center de Santé N'Djalusene, 
  • Center de Santé Biringi, 
  • and Radio Umuja.

Thanks to GoShop Energy's intervention, the health centers now benefit from a reliable and sustainable power supply.The solar systems installed power essential medical equipment, including oxygen concentrators, and enabled more than 40 appropriate surgical procedures to be carried out every day. This initiative has significantly improved the quality of healthcare offered to the region's inhabitants, guaranteeing constant access to electricity and reducing costly dependence on diesel generators.


"Thanks to solar energy, we can now perform surgery at any time, which was previously impossible," explains Dr. Kazi, surgeon at D'angumu Hospital.

The project carried out by GoShop Energy in collaboration with Begeca has transformed the health landscape of the Mahagi health zone. 

By providing sustainable solar energy solutions, GoShop Energy has not only helped to overcome energy challenges, but has also contributed to saving lives and improving the general well-being of local communities. 

This project is a testament to the significant impact that innovative energy solutions can have on remote and underserved areas.

To find out more about our projects and how you can support or collaborate with GoShop Energy, visit our website or contact us directly.

Recap of DRC Mining Week 2024: A Memorable Edition with GoShop Energy